Evaluate new products carefully. The surgical specialist and appropriate team members should be involved in judging whether new products will benefit the practice and its patients. Determine if a …
Create an optimal schedule.
Create an optimal schedule. For a dentist, effective time management means achieving efficiency when treating patients. The results will be better performance and higher production. Practices should …
Advice for the Hygienist – Assist front desk personnel with scheduling hygiene patients.
Advice for the Hygienist – Assist front desk personnel with scheduling hygiene patients. The front desk team should be trained to schedule the next appointment before patients leave the office. You …
Monitor marketing results regularly.
Monitor marketing results regularly. Your endo practice needs to know how effective its marketing efforts are. At least once a month, tabulate and compare the following with targets the practice has …
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Monitor marketing results regularly.
Monitor marketing results regularly. Your surgical practice needs to know how effective its marketing efforts are. At least once a month, tabulate and compare the following with targets the practice …
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Advice for the Treatment Coordinator – Sometimes parents need a second consult.
Advice for the Treatment Coordinator – Sometimes parents need a second consult. Scheduling a second consult with both parents in attendance can work extremely well, but many ortho practices resist the …