Manage your insurance. Most practices have a love-hate relationship with their insurance participation. If you're going to participate, you must learn to manage it in the most effective and efficient …
Don’t respond to negative comments.
Don’t respond to negative comments. Don’t respond to negative comments that other people make. You don’t have to tell them why they’re wrong, enter into a debate, or get angry. Just don’t respond and …
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Do your systems have checklists?
Do your systems have checklists? Having excellent comprehensive systems is the number one factor in building successful dental practices. Having a checklist from those systems for the team to follow …
How would you rate yourself?
How would you rate yourself? At the end of each day, try asking yourself how you would score (0 to 10) the performance of your practice that day? This exercise will help you identify opportunities to …
Can you really improve your practice with no effort?
Can you really improve your practice with no effort? Of course not, and you knew that. But the effort can feel like fun when you’re achieving a vision and seeing results. So, it takes effort, but if …
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Higher staff longevity increases practice production.
Higher staff longevity increases practice production. One of our findings at Levin Group is that the longer your staff is with you, the higher your production will be. A long-term staff knows what to …
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Contact overdue patients daily.
Contact overdue patients daily. The longer you wait to contact overdue patients, the less chance there is that they will come back. …
How do you develop new practice strategies?
How do you develop new practice strategies? You take the time to analyze practice data; interview yourself and others about where you want to go in the next five years; and define your strengths, …
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Who have you complimented today?
Who have you complimented today? One of the best ways to maintain great relationships is to give compliments. Best of all, they are free. …
Where can you find motivation?
Where can you find motivation? Everywhere! Try engaging with books, podcasts, webinars, seminars, consultants, and executive coaches. All of these information options create an opportunity for high …
Follow up on unaccepted treatment.
Follow up on unaccepted treatment. Don’t be embarrassed to contact parents that have not accepted treatment to answer questions, clarify information, and help them make decisions. …
Raising fees increases practice production.
Raising fees increases practice production. Don’t be afraid to raise your fees. Very few parents know what your fees were before, and your excellent customer service should offset any concerns about …
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