Patient financing is now critical. Not all patients can afford an orthodontic practice payment plan. Make sure you also offer outside patient financing to keep starts at the highest level. …
Leadership is about transparency.
Leadership is about transparency. Orthodontists need to be honest and transparent with their teams. You should act as their biggest cheerleaders and also their most honest critics. …
Do you have a team member who hates their job?
Do you have a team member who hates their job? Statistics indicate that many Americans hate their jobs. Creating a culture of positivity with positive feedback can help any team member to have a more …
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Are you continuing your quest for excellence?
Are you continuing your quest for excellence? Part of the fun of being a dentist is taking advantage of ongoing learning opportunities that allow dentists to excel clinically. Don’t lose sight of …
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Stop listening to your friends (at least when it comes to your practice).
Stop listening to your friends (at least when it comes to your practice). Listening to your dental colleagues about what you should do in your practice may not be the best protocol. Although they have …
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Measure everything.
Measure everything. Orthodontic practices are businesses, and the only way to know your strengths and weaknesses is to measure a number of different data points. Once captured, it does not take long …
Who is your slowest assistant?
Who is your slowest assistant? The orthodontic assistant is a critical element of scheduling success. Even the slowest assistant can be extremely valuable, but you do want to work to improve their …
Use technology to speed up your systems.
Use technology to speed up your systems. If a new technology will make the practice operate faster and better, you should give it serious consideration. Always analyze the potential …
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Leadership is a daily habit.
Leadership is a daily habit. You can’t be an on-again off-again leader and be effective. Consistent behavior and communication are the primary qualities of excellent leaders. …
If you want to find the bottleneck, ask your team.
If you want to find the bottleneck, ask your team. Bottlenecks are anything that slows down a practice system and reduces production. The best way to identify them is to ask your team to brainstorm …
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“Wow” Customer Service Tip 5: “Wow” is fun.
“Wow” Customer Service Tip 5: “Wow” is fun. Creating a culture and environment for patients takes time, but it can actually be a great deal of fun for the doctor and the staff as well. …
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“Wow” Customer Service Tip 4: “Wow” will set you apart.
“Wow” Customer Service Tip 4: “Wow” will set you apart. If you can achieve “wow-level” customer service, you will be set apart (or differentiated) from other practices and gain more patients, case …
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