Stay in your lane. Be careful not to go beyond the bounds of the referral relationship with many of your referring doctors. Crossing into discussing topics like politics can be very dangerous. …
It is time to get serious.
It is time to get serious. When it comes to referral marketing the time to get serious is always immediately. Referral marketing works when it is highly consistent without laws in the overall …
Make your staff meetings fun.
Make your staff meetings fun. Staff meetings are boring and desirable. Make them fun with humor, prizes, activities, or games. How Would You Like to Have Excellent Customer Service in Your …
If you don’t update your systems…
If you don’t update your systems…If you don’t update your systems regularly, your practice performance will either slow down, flatten out, or decline. You should always work on updating systems. …
Stories from strategic planning: One office set a plan to have four locations.
Stories from strategic planning: One office set a plan to have four locations. They started by systemizing the first location in detail; proving that it was a success; and then added location numbers …
Think of customer service as part of referral marketing.
Think of customer service as part of referral marketing. All the marketing and relationship building in the world won’t matter if patients go back to referring doctors feeling unhappy. …
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Measure revenue per referral source.
Measure revenue per referral source. It is not enough to just know how many referrals you are receiving from each referral source. You also need to know the revenue so you can design the right …
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Increase team longevity every year.
Increase team longevity every year. Once statistic that you never hear about, and you won’t find in your software, is the average longevity of the team on an annual basis. The goal is simple: you …
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You can’t fix just one part.
You can’t fix just one part. Trying to fix one part of a practice is like trying to build one muscle in the gym. You might fix that part, but you will be better off if you address your systems …
Systems train the team.
Systems train the team. When the right systems are in place, team training is faster, better and performance improves. …
What new strategy have you added to referral marketing?
What new strategy have you added to referral marketing? The key to selecting strategies for referral marketing is to keep in mind that you want to create the best scenario you possibly can in order to …
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Performance reviews.
Performance reviews. Specialty practice teams find performance reviews to be uncomfortable, negative, and critical. A better approach is to have a conversation every six months with each team member …