Monitor all cash flow carefully. Effective financial management depends on knowing exactly where the surgical practice’s money comes from and where it goes. Track all collections, purchases and …
Say “thank you” to your lab.
Say “thank you” to your lab. A quality lab is an asset to your practice, patients and staff members. You should express your appreciation when a dental lab consistently produces quality work. This can …
When you change systems, remember to change the documentation.
When you change systems, remember to change the documentation. Although outdated business systems should be replaced rather than tweaked, some interim fixes will be necessary. When you alter …
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When you change systems, remember to change the documentation.
When you change systems, remember to change the documentation. Although outdated business systems should be replaced rather than tweaked, some interim fixes will be necessary. When you alter …
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When you change systems, remember to change the documentation.
When you change systems, remember to change the documentation. Although outdated business systems should be replaced rather than tweaked, some interim fixes will be necessary. When you alter …
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When you change systems, remember to change the documentation.
When you change systems, remember to change the documentation. Although outdated business systems should be replaced rather than tweaked, some interim fixes will be necessary. When you alter …
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