Eliminate unnecessary expenses. Almost all businesses, including dental practices, end up with operating costs that may have made sense in the past but don’t make sense any more. Go through the books …
Eliminate unnecessary expenses.
Eliminate unnecessary expenses. Almost all businesses, including pedo practices, end up with operating costs that may have made sense in the past but don’t make sense any more. Go through the books …
Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Project enthusiasm.
Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Project enthusiasm. Even if you’re having a bad day, your job will be easier if you can surround yourself and others with positive personal energy. In your …
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Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Reach out to pediatricians.
Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Reach out to pediatricians. Some pediatrician offices will refer their patients directly to an orthodontist. Focusing on doctor education is the best way to work …
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Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Build your practice brand on the strength of the “dentistry brand.”
Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Build your practice brand on the strength of the “dentistry brand.” Unlike many types of businesses, dental practices are fortunate in that dentistry itself is …
Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Project enthusiasm.
Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Project enthusiasm. Even if you’re having a bad day, your job will be easier if you can surround yourself and others with positive personal energy. In your …
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