Good telephone skills matter. If front desk staff members sound bored or rushed on the phone, they are sending a message that they have priorities other than the caller. That should never happen. …
Good telephone skills matter.
Good telephone skills matter. If front desk staff members sound bored or rushed on the phone, they are sending a message that they have priorities other than the caller. That should never happen. …
Answer the phone… the right way.
Answer the phone… the right way. Every team member should be pleasant, sound enthusiastic and demonstrate a desire to be helpful when picking up telephone calls. Callers need to be treated as if they …
Good telephone skills matter.
Good telephone skills matter. If front desk staff members sound bored or rushed on the phone, they are sending a message that they have priorities other than the caller. That should never happen. …
Good telephone skills matter.
Good telephone skills matter. If front desk staff members sound bored or rushed on the phone, they are sending a message that they have priorities other than the caller. That should never happen. …
Even the best practice may get an unfavorable social media review.
Even the best practice may get an unfavorable social media review. The age-old advice to pause and take a deep breath before responding in confrontational situations certainly applies here. …
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