Enforce scheduling policies. When patients call to cancel at the last minute, use a script to suggest that they rethink cancelling the appointment. Let callers know that the time has been reserved for …
Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Strengthen referral relationships.
Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Strengthen referral relationships. Referring pediatricians can represent a significant source of referrals. Develop stronger connections with referring practices …
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Scripting Tip: Don’t say “You’ll have to ask someone else” to parents.
Scripting Tip: Don’t say “You’ll have to ask someone else” to parents. You may not know the answers to parents’ questions, but take responsibility for getting the answers they need. Rather than …
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Scripting Tip: Don’t say “You’ll have to ask someone else” to patients.
Scripting Tip: Don’t say “You’ll have to ask someone else” to patients. You may not know the answers to patients’ questions, but take responsibility for getting the answers they need. Rather than …
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Scripting Tip: Don’t say “You’ll have to ask someone else” to parents and patients.
Scripting Tip: Don’t say “You’ll have to ask someone else” to parents and patients. You may not know the answers to parents’ and patients’ questions, but take responsibility for getting the answers …
Scripting Tip: Don’t say “You’ll have to ask someone else” to patients.
Scripting Tip: Don’t say “You’ll have to ask someone else” to patients. You may not know the answers to patients’ questions, but take responsibility for getting the answers they need. Rather than …
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