Script every patient interaction. Scripting helps doctors and team members communicate more effectively with patients. As in sports, working from the same “playbook” builds team unity. Scripting …
Script every patient interaction.
Script every patient interaction. Scripting helps orthodontists and team members communicate more effectively with patients and parents. As in sports, working from the same “playbook” builds team …
Advice for the Treatment Coordinator – Be prepared to answer questions from parents during the consult.
Advice for the Treatment Coordinator – Be prepared to answer questions from parents during the consult. They’ll want to know everything they can about your practice and the doctor before making an …
Advice for the Hygienist – Build more value for the hygiene visit.
Advice for the Hygienist – Build more value for the hygiene visit. Many patients think of it as “only a cleaning.” More of them will schedule regularly if they are aware of all the services you can …
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Advice for the Surgical Specialist – Assign responsibility for each target.
Advice for the Surgical Specialist – Assign responsibility for each target. Every target must be “owned” by the doctor or a staff member. Practice leaders shoulder ultimate responsibility for practice …
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Advice for the Pediatric Dentist – Assign responsibility for each target.
Advice for the Pediatric Dentist – Assign responsibility for each target. Every target must be “owned” by the doctor or a staff member. Practice leaders shoulder ultimate responsibility for practice …
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