3 simple goals. There are three simple goals that will help propel you to the highest levels of success: (1) increase practice production every year, (2) build a world class team, and (3) have a plan …
Help your team members get over their resistance to change.
Help your team members get over their resistance to change. The key is to educate the team on why the change is being made and give them time to adapt. …
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Don’t let one team member bring you down.
Don’t let one team member bring you down. We have often said at Levin Group that it only takes one bad mood to bring down the entire practice. Don’t let this happen in your office. …
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What is your likability factor?
What is your likability factor? Referral marketing is all about building powerful relationships. There are hundreds of strategies that you can use and combine to achieve incredible results. But it’s …
If your production keeps increasing, you will always be successful.
If your production keeps increasing, you will always be successful. Production is the single most important factor to focus on for practice success. If it keeps increasing, your practice will always …
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Let patients know you care.
Let patients know you care. The best way for patients to know that you care is to tell them. A displayed quote such as “We truly care about every patient” goes a long way. …
What inspired you today?
What inspired you today? Find ways to stay inspired. Specialists should always create phenomenal energy for the team. If you are not being inspired, how can you inspire others? …
It all starts with your professional relations coordinator.
It all starts with your professional relations coordinator. If you don’t have a professional relations coordinator (PRC) with at least 20 hours per week of time to carry out your referral marketing …
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Do your systems have checklists?
Do your systems have checklists? Having excellent comprehensive systems is the number one factor in building successful dental practices. Having a checklist from those systems for the team to follow …
How would you rate yourself?
How would you rate yourself? At the end of each day, try asking yourself how you would score (0 to 10) the performance of your practice that day? This exercise will help you identify opportunities to …
Can you really improve your practice with no effort?
Can you really improve your practice with no effort? Of course not, and you knew that. But the effort can feel like fun when you’re achieving a vision and seeing results. So, it takes effort, but if …
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Where can you find motivation?
Where can you find motivation? Everywhere! Try engaging with books, podcasts, webinars, seminars, consultants, and executive coaches. All of these information options create an opportunity for high …