Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Create a multi-strategy marketing plan. To be effective, a marketing program for your practice should include at least 15 distinct, ongoing strategies. Include a …
Embrace change.
Embrace change. Orthodontics is constantly evolving. So should your skills. Team members should receive yearly training in the appropriate areas, including clinical, administrative and practice …
Embrace change.
Embrace change. Dentistry is constantly evolving. So should your skills. Team members should receive yearly training in the appropriate areas, including clinical, administrative and practice …
Make patients feel like part of the “practice family.”
Make patients feel like part of the “practice family.” To make patients feel more welcome and comfortable at your office, substitute the word “we” for “I” in conversations with them. Also, give …
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Embrace change.
Embrace change. Dentistry is constantly evolving. So should your skills. Team members should receive yearly training in the appropriate areas, including clinical, administrative and practice …
Embrace change.
Embrace change. Dentistry is constantly evolving. So should your skills. Team members should receive yearly training in the appropriate areas, including clinical, administrative and practice …