Are you contacting your referring doctors? Orthodontists often ignore referring doctors and don’t regularly contact them. This will lead to a lower level of referrals over time. …
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Increasing Practice Production Every Year
Are you contacting your referring doctors? Orthodontists often ignore referring doctors and don’t regularly contact them. This will lead to a lower level of referrals over time. …
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If you want to have a great practice, you must have great systems. We have mentioned this many times because it is the most critical factor in practice success. Upgrade your systems at least every …
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Leadership is not the same as management. Being a great leader is not the same as being a great manager. Leaders can motivate and inspire people. Managers help them to become excellent in their …
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If you don’t have a financial plan done, get one. Practice leaders must know where they stand financially at all points in their careers. The only way to accurately assess this is by having a detailed …
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The specialist's wakeup call. The latest data indicates that GP practices are slowing down. It’s nothing catastrophic, but when they slow down, they tend to attempt to provide more specialty services …
If you want to increase the number of new patients, just ask. Data indicates that the practices that ask patients to refer friends and family will increase their number of new patients within 90 days. …
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Get the best advice that you can. When you’re facing a decision, challenge, or opportunity, always seek the best advice you can get. It will make a tremendous difference in your career. …
Great customer service requires great scripting. One lesson to learn in life is that it is not always what you say, but how you say it. Having great scripting will take a practice from average …
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Always give a deadline. When you give a team member a task, always provide them with a deadline. Deadlines explain the importance of the activity and create accountability. …
Know your numbers tip #5: Be sure to measure production per new patient. New patients have a 200% – 300% higher financial value to the practice in the first 12 months versus current active patients. …
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Know your numbers tip #4: Be sure to measure production per provider. This helps to understand the production level of dental hygienists and where you can improve. …
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Know your numbers tip #3: Know the practice production per hour. By understanding the production per hour, you can take steps and set strategies to improve it. …
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