Follow-up on unaccepted treatment. Don’t be embarrassed to contact patients that have not accepted treatment. You can answer their questions, clarify information and help them make decisions. This can …
When should you enhance your referral marketing program?
When should you enhance your referral marketing program? In a recent article, Dr. Levin emphasized that you should start referral marketing in all five focus areas—parents, patients, referring …
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You may need to start your referral marketing program over.
You may need to start your referral marketing program over. There are times where it does not make sense to try to fix a bad referral marketing program. You may need to “reboot” and start over to get …
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Improve your cash flow.
Improve your cash flow. Most practices do not track cash flow and are sometimes surprised about how little is left in the checkbook each month. Watch your cash flow regularly and take steps to improve …
Improve your cash flow.
Improve your cash flow. Most practices do not track cash flow and are sometimes surprised about how little is left in the checkbook each month. Watch your cash flow regularly and take steps to improve …
You may need to start your referral marketing program over.
You may need to start your referral marketing program over. There are times where it does not make sense to try to fix a bad referral marketing program. You may need to “reboot” and start over to get …
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Good to great is not enough.
Good to great is not enough. The concept of “good to great” has been popularized in a book by Jim Collins in the early part of this century. But it is not enough. First you go from good to great, but …
Good to great is not enough.
Good to great is not enough. The concept of “good to great” has been popularized in a book by Jim Collins in the early part of this century. But it is not enough. First you go from good to great, but …
Good to great is not enough.
Good to great is not enough. The concept of “good to great” has been popularized in a book by Jim Collins in the early part of this century. But it is not enough. First you go from good to great, but …
Good to great is not enough.
Good to great is not enough. The concept of “good to great” has been popularized in a book by Jim Collins in the early part of this century. But it is not enough. First you go from good to great, but …
Good to great is not enough.
Good to great is not enough. The concept of “good to great” has been popularized in a book by Jim Collins in the early part of this century. But it is not enough. First you go from good to great, but …
Yes, there is competition.
Yes, there is competition. In the face of competition, you only have one choice and that is to make continual improvement in all areas of the practice. Instead of viewing this as a negative, view it …