Cut one expense. To start addressing overhead control, simply find one expense that you can reduce by any amount. Take the first step and then go from there. …
Cut one expense.
Cut one expense. To start addressing overhead control, simply find one expense that you can reduce by any amount. Take the first step and then go from there. …
Send a thank-you note.
Send a thank-you note. After you meet with a referring doctor, send a quick text or note that tells them how much you enjoyed seeing them. Following up is an essential part of building great …
Send a thank-you note.
Send a thank-you note. After you meet with a referring doctor, send a quick text or note that tells them how much you enjoyed seeing them. Following up is an essential part of building great …
Data tells a story.
Data tells a story. When you first start looking at your practice data, it can be confusing. But in a short time, it will begin to tell you a story about the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and …
Data tells a story.
Data tells a story. When you first start looking at your practice data, it can be confusing. But in a short time, it will begin to tell you a story about the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and …
Don’t get defensive.
Don’t get defensive. Sometimes you will have a parent or patient who isn’t happy. Whether they display their unhappiness calmly or in frustration, it's your job to listen and then determine the best …
Build a fortress.
Build a fortress. Don’t let any of your top referring doctors be taken away. You need to build a fortress to protect your relationship with them. The best way to do that is to increase the amount of …
Measurements reveal opportunities.
Measurements reveal opportunities. One of the best reasons to measure referral marketing results is to identify new opportunities. Is your marketing coordinator bringing you recommendations of new …
Build a fortress.
Build a fortress. Don’t let any of your top referring doctors be taken away. You need to build a fortress to protect your relationship with them. The best way to do that is to increase the amount of …
Scripting increases production.
Scripting increases production. Practices that use well-developed scripts, along with their systems, have much higher production than others. …
Scripting increases production.
Scripting increases production. Practices that use well-developed scripts, along with their systems, have much higher production than others. …