Do whatever it takes. Patients come with all types of behavior. Rather than viewing a patient who doesn’t behave the way you like as difficult, simply develop an attitude that you will do whatever it …
Do whatever it takes.
Do whatever it takes. Patients come with all types of behavior. Rather than viewing a patient who doesn’t behave the way you like as difficult, simply develop an attitude that you will do whatever it …
Do whatever it takes.
Do whatever it takes. Patients come with all types of behavior. Rather than viewing a patient who doesn’t behave the way you like as difficult, simply develop an attitude that you will do whatever it …
Former staff members can train new staff members.
Former staff members can train new staff members. A terrific way to train new team members is to ask former team members if they would step in temporarily to train new people. This can be done …
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Former staff members can train new staff members.
Former staff members can train new staff members. A terrific way to train new team members is to ask former team members if they would step in temporarily to train new people. This can be done …
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Former staff members can train new staff members.
Former staff members can train new staff members. A terrific way to train new team members is to ask former team members if they would step in temporarily to train new people. This can be done …
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Former staff members can train new staff members.
Former staff members can train new staff members. A terrific way to train new team members is to ask former team members if they would step in temporarily to train new people. This can be done …
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Former staff members can train new staff members.
Former staff members can train new staff members. A terrific way to train new team members is to ask former team members if they would step in temporarily to train new people. This can be done …
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Former staff members can train new staff members.
Former staff members can train new staff members. A terrific way to train new team members is to ask former team members if they would step in temporarily to train new people. This can be done …
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Make payment plans sound special.
Make payment plans sound special. Almost all orthodontic practices have payment plans. Be sure to highlight and explain that you have a payment plan to make orthodontics affordable and …
Don’t let small problems become big.
Don’t let small problems become big. In life, people often live up to the level of their problems. If you don’t have big problems, you tend to overreact to small problems and make them bigger. Small …
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Don’t ignore problems with referring doctors.
Don’t ignore problems with referring doctors. When you have a problem with a referring doctor, do whatever you need to do to solve it unless you’re willing to lose that relationship. Your good …
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