Get off the drama triangle. There are three parts to the drama triangle: victim, villain, and hero. If you’re playing any of these roles, you are guaranteed to have continuing drama in your life. The …
Fire that patient.
Fire that patient. Some patients are just not worth the effort. Others can be dangerous. If you have a strong intuition that a certain patient should not be in your practice, the smart move is to find …
Fire that patient.
Fire that patient. Some patients are just not worth the effort. Others can be dangerous. If you have a strong intuition that a certain patient should not be in your practice, the smart move is to find …
Fire that patient.
Fire that patient. Some patients are just not worth the effort. Others can be dangerous. If you have a strong intuition that a certain patient should not be in your practice, the smart move is to find …
Make your practice your hobby.
Make your practice your hobby. Hobbies are fun. They are meant to be enjoyed and create stimulation and motivation. Turn your practice into a hobby and you will love your career. …
Make your practice your hobby.
Make your practice your hobby. Hobbies are fun. They are meant to be enjoyed and create stimulation and motivation. Turn your practice into a hobby and you will love your career. …
Make your practice your hobby.
Make your practice your hobby. Hobbies are fun. They are meant to be enjoyed and create stimulation and motivation. Turn your practice into a hobby and you will love your career. …
Make your practice your hobby.
Make your practice your hobby. Hobbies are fun. They are meant to be enjoyed and create stimulation and motivation. Turn your practice into a hobby and you will love your career. …
Make your practice your hobby.
Make your practice your hobby. Hobbies are fun. They are meant to be enjoyed and create stimulation and motivation. Turn your practice into a hobby and you will love your career. …
Raise your enthusiasm.
Raise your enthusiasm. Raising your enthusiasm is not only for your own benefit. Your enthusiasm will also raise the enthusiasm of the people around you. When people are around enthusiastic people, …
Raise your enthusiasm.
Raise your enthusiasm. Raising your enthusiasm is not only for your own benefit. Your enthusiasm will also raise the enthusiasm of the people around you. When people are around enthusiastic people, …
Raise your enthusiasm.
Raise your enthusiasm. Raising your enthusiasm is not only for your own benefit. Your enthusiasm will also raise the enthusiasm of the people around you. When people are around enthusiastic people, …