Raise your enthusiasm. Raising your enthusiasm is not only for your own benefit. Your enthusiasm will also raise the enthusiasm of the people around you. When people are around enthusiastic people, …
Raise your enthusiasm.
Raise your enthusiasm. Raising your enthusiasm is not only for your own benefit. Your enthusiasm will also raise the enthusiasm of the people around you. When people are around enthusiastic people, …
It’s time to get fired up again!
It’s time to get fired up again! Do you remember when you first went into practice? When you ran around chasing referring doctors to meet them and build relationships? You were fired up. Maybe it was …
Track your production ratios.
Track your production ratios. If you track production ratios such as production per day, production per provider, or production per patient, you almost always find opportunities for better practice …
Are you a leader?
Are you a leader? Orthodontic team members often refer to the orthodontist or office manager for leadership. Believe it or not, this can sometimes be limiting. Everyone on the team can be a leader and …
It’s time to get fired up again!
It’s time to get fired up again! Do you remember when you first went into practice? When you ran around chasing referring doctors to meet them and build relationships? You were fired up. Maybe it was …
Track your production ratios.
Track your production ratios. If you track production ratios such as production per day, production per provider, or production per patient, you almost always find opportunities for better practice …
When communicating with parents and patience in writing…
When communicating with parents and patience in writing…Keep it short. Short is easier for you and saves time. Short is desirable by parents and patients who have so much on their plate that the …
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Be competition ready.
Be competition ready. Businesses always have competition and competition always grows. The best course of action is to always plan for your strategy in the event that someone new moves in nearby, a …
Explain the consequences.
Explain the consequences. Don’t be afraid to let a patient know the consequences of not following through with treatment. Be polite and calm but be honest. Patients appreciate this and it will help …
Be competition ready.
Be competition ready. Businesses always have competition and competition always grows. The best course of action is to always plan for your strategy in the event that someone new moves in nearby, a …
Explain the consequences.
Explain the consequences. Don’t be afraid to let a parent know the consequences of not following through with treatment. Be polite and calm but be honest. Parents appreciate this and it will help them …