Enjoy emergencies. Many practices are frustrated by emergencies as they tend to “blow up“ the schedule. The practices that have the right attitude and scheduling flexibility often bring emergencies in …
Are you willing to build relationships?
Are you willing to build relationships? There are some specialists that just don’t want to take the time to build relationships with referring doctors. We are not judging this, but want to point out …
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Are you willing to build relationships?
Are you willing to build relationships? There are some specialists that just don’t want to take the time to build relationships with referring doctors. We are not judging this, but want to point out …
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Compliment everyone.
Compliment everyone. If you give compliments all day long, the one person who benefits the most is you. It’s hard to run around complimenting people and not be happier and more energized …
Compliment everyone.
Compliment everyone. If you give compliments all day long, the one person who benefits the most is you. It’s hard to run around complimenting people and not be happier and more energized …
Compliment everyone.
Compliment everyone. If you give compliments all day long, the one person who benefits the most is you. It’s hard to run around complimenting people and not be happier and more energized …
Compliment everyone.
Compliment everyone. If you give compliments all day long, the one person who benefits the most is you. It’s hard to run around complimenting people and not be happier and more energized …
Compliment everyone.
Compliment everyone. If you give compliments all day long, the one person who benefits the most is you. It’s hard to run around complimenting people and not be happier and more energized …
If your marketing isn’t working…
If your marketing isn’t working… Then shift your marketing to another area. There are five focus areas for referral marketing, including patients, parents, referring doctors, social media, and the …
Tell patients that you care.
Tell patients that you care. There’s no better strategy to help patients believe that the practice cares about them than to simply tell them. A simple statement such as, “We really care about you and …
Tell patients that you care.
Tell patients that you care. There’s no better strategy to help patients believe that the practice cares about them than to simply tell them. A simple statement such as, “We really care about you and …
Tell parents and patients that you care.
Tell parents and patients that you care. There’s no better strategy to help parents believe that the practice cares about their children's care than to simply tell them. A simple statement such as, …
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