Tell patients that you care. There’s no better strategy to help patients believe that the practice cares about them than to simply tell them. A simple statement such as, “We really care about you and …
Tell parents and patients that you care.
Tell parents and patients that you care. There’s no better strategy to help patients and parents believe that the practice cares about their and their children's care than to simply tell them. A …
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Be positive about the future.
Be positive about the future. Countless studies show that positive people function better in life than others. It is not because they are smarter or more talented, it’s because their positivity allows …
Be positive about the future.
Be positive about the future. Countless studies show that positive people function better in life than others. It is not because they are smarter or more talented, it’s because their positivity allows …
Be positive about the future.
Be positive about the future. Countless studies show that positive people function better in life than others. It is not because they are smarter or more talented, it’s because their positivity allows …
Be positive about the future.
Be positive about the future. Countless studies show that positive people function better in life than others. It is not because they are smarter or more talented, it’s because their positivity allows …
Be positive about the future.
Be positive about the future. Countless studies show that positive people function better in life than others. It is not because they are smarter or more talented, it’s because their positivity allows …
Where do you get new referral marketing strategies?
Where do you get new referral marketing strategies? The answer is everywhere. You can look at what other specialists or other industries are doing, or even take marketing courses to come up with new …
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Offer patient financing to increase case acceptance.
Offer patient financing to increase case acceptance. Tell every patient, whether they need it or not, that financing is available. Case acceptance will increase immediately. …
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Don’t be afraid to change your vision.
Don’t be afraid to change your vision. Some orthodontists become so locked into their vision that they keep moving forward even when times change and it’s a bad idea. Be open to a revision of your …
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Where do you get new referral marketing strategies?
Where do you get new referral marketing strategies? The answer is everywhere. You can look at what other specialists or other industries are doing, or even take marketing courses to come up with new …
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Offer patient financing to increase case acceptance.
Offer patient financing to increase case acceptance. Tell every parent, whether they need it or not, that financing is available. Case acceptance will increase immediately. …
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