If you could waive a magic wand and make one change today in your practice, what would it be? Owning a dental practice can be overwhelming and facing lots of changes is daunting. Start by simply …
Do you have an annual continuing education (CE) plan?
Do you have an annual continuing education (CE) plan? Every December you should take the time to look at the goals and objectives of the next year and match your CE plan with those goals and …
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Do you have an annual continuing education (CE) plan?
Do you have an annual continuing education (CE) plan? Every December you should take the time to look at the goals and objectives of the next year and match your CE plan with those goals and …
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Do you have an annual continuing education (CE) plan?
Do you have an annual continuing education (CE) plan? Every December you should take the time to look at the goals and objectives of the next year and match your CE plan with those goals and …
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Do you have an annual continuing education (CE) plan?
Do you have an annual continuing education (CE) plan? Every December you should take the time to look at the goals and objectives of the next year and match your CE plan with those goals and …
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Do you have an annual continuing education (CE) plan?
Do you have an annual continuing education (CE) plan? Every December you should take the time to look at the goals and objectives of the next year and match your CE plan with those goals and …
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You don’t have to work with every referring doctor.
You don’t have to work with every referring doctor. Excellent referral marketing program programs will attract all types of referral sources. Once in a while, there’s a referral source that you would …
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You don’t have to work with every referring doctor.
You don’t have to work with every referring doctor. Excellent referral marketing program programs will attract all types of referral sources. Once in a while, there’s a referral source that you would …
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Competition in orthodontics is expanding.
Competition in orthodontics is expanding. The solution to expanding competition is better referral marketing strategies. …
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Have a tech communications plan.
Have a tech communications plan. Whenever you add new technology to your practice, have a plan to communicate it to your patients. This will help to increase case acceptance. …
Have a tech communications plan.
Have a tech communications plan. Whenever you add new technology to your practice, have a plan to communicate it to your patients. This will help to increase case acceptance. …
Start referral marketing before a decline.
Start referral marketing before a decline. Your practice may not be in decline at this time and, hopefully, it never will. However, there are too many practices that wait until decline to invigorate …
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