The newest shiny object is not always best. Traditional referral marketing works. If something works and it is critical to your success, go with it. …
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Increasing Practice Production Every Year
The newest shiny object is not always best. Traditional referral marketing works. If something works and it is critical to your success, go with it. …
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Remote monitoring is growing. Like many new technologies, remote monitoring is growing faster than practices have in understanding of how to properly use it and maximize potential. Take the time to …
The newest shiny object is not always best. Traditional referral marketing works. If something works and it is critical to your success, go with it. …
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If you want to have a great practice, you must continually improve. You don’t win the improvement game by making giant leaps once in a while. You win it by implementing slow, steady, and continual …
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If you want to have a great practice, you must continually improve. You don’t win the improvement game by making giant leaps once in a while. You win it by implementing slow, steady, and continual …
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Cut one expense. To start addressing overhead control simply find one expense you can reduce by any amount. Take the first step and then go from there. div style="background-color: #2f466f;"> Free …
If your referral marketing efforts have fallen off, get going again. Specialists go through cycles of excellent referral marketing and poor referral marketing. If you are in a poor referral marketing …
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If your referral marketing efforts have fallen off, get going again. Specialists go through cycles of excellent referral marketing and poor referral marketing. If you are in a poor referral marketing …
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Build value for every parent and patient. There are two things you should do with every parent and patient. First always give a compliment. Second, create a script about why your practice is so …
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Cut one expense. To start addressing overhead control simply find one expense you can reduce by any amount. Take the first step and then go from there. …
Want to increase production? Increase the use of patient financing. Many patients need additional access to debt to afford excellent dental care. Offering patient financing makes this possible. How …
Want to increase production? Increase the use of patient financing. Many patients need additional access to debt to afford excellent dental care. Offering patient financing makes this possible. How …
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