Set targets and then measure. Every practice should have a minimum of 15 targets based on practice performance to be achieved. Measure the results and then work to improve. …
Systems determine success.
Systems determine success. The quality of ongoing success in the practice will be directly proportional to the quality of the systems and how often they are upgraded. …
Systems determine success.
Systems determine success. The quality of ongoing success in the practice will be directly proportional to the quality of the systems and how often they are upgraded. …
Systems determine success.
Systems determine success. The quality of ongoing success in the practice will be directly proportional to the quality of the systems and how often they are upgraded. …
Systems determine success.
Systems determine success. The quality of ongoing success in the practice will be directly proportional to the quality of the systems and how often they are upgraded. …
Systems determine success.
Systems determine success. The quality of ongoing success in the practice will be directly proportional to the quality of the systems and how often they are upgraded. …
The highly trained office manager.
The highly trained office manager. Every office manager should have an extremely detailed job description that includes responsibilities and accountabilities. Defining the job is critical. …
What inspired you today?
What inspired you today? The specialist’s main job is creating phenomenal energy for the team. If you are not being inspired, how can you inspire others? …
Score yourself today.
Score yourself today. Orthodontists and staff members can individually score themselves 0 to 10 at the end of the day. If you want to make it fun, everyone can report their performance at the next …
What inspired you today?
What inspired you today? The specialist’s main job is creating phenomenal energy for the team. If you are not being inspired, how can you inspire others? …
The highly trained office manager.
The highly trained office manager. Every office manager should have an extremely detailed job description that includes responsibilities and accountabilities. Defining the job is critical. …
Some patients just want aligners.
Some patients just want aligners. Every once in a while, we meet a practice that wants to argue with parents or patients who want aligners. It is important to understand that some patients will go …